You just simply can’t have a Alice in Wonderland party without the Mad Hatter!! Here he is in all his splendid glory. Tea anyone? Ohh is it your birthday?!@#$
Tag Archives: sculptures
Disney Balloon Centerpieces Final Part
And finally we feature Piglet from Winnie the Pooh ending this series of Disney Balloon Centerpieces. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to contact us for more ideas for your special event.
Disney Balloon Centerpieces Part 11
Disney Balloon Centerpieces Part 2
Here is a Tigger centerpiece. This post and more to come will feature a Disney theme done for Disney when they had a party here in Denver.
Disney Balloon Centerpieces
I have noticed many of you have been searching for Disney ideas. I will show you in the next few posts several Disney characters we twisted as centerpieces for a Disney event. Here is a twisted balloon Mickey Mouse centerpiece.
Spotted Alien Balloons in Denver
Is a special balloon UFO heading for you? Make it happen for someone you know! It’s an out of this world experience. We can twist almost anything you can think of!
Walk through Easter Basket with Balloon Bunny
Denver’s 16th street mall turns 25!
Denver’s 16th street mall turns 25! We used a reinforced framework that reaches under the blue carpet and securely holds the ‘2’ and the ‘5’ in place. This was a very public celebration which the mayor spoke at, so it was imperative that even in high wind the balloon sculptures stayed put. Have a special outdoor meeting? Need peace of mind with the decor?
Let us help.
Balloon Cowboy Theme
Ders Balloon Pirates in these waters.. Aaarrggh
Balloon Pirates.. Aaayyee. Here is one of our all time favorites. These complex twisted balloon sculptures usually take a full day to create. Contact us to see if we can add some Jolly Rodgers to your party and “Hold Fast” for some surly fun.